“Jerry’s a life-stirrer-upper…”
Photo by Stuart Mack
“A really rare person that openly opposes the fucked up way the world is and actually DOES something about it – he’s a natural born killer of bullshit.
He’s a modern day tribal leader trying to reinstate some sense of authenticity into teams of people that have lost it or never even had a glimpse of it in their entire lives. “
Sian – singer and artist
“I am cautious about therapy and even more cautious about therapy ‘speak’. I consider myself to be a rational rather than spiritual type of person so if I were to read the text on Jerry’s website without knowing him I think my alarm bells would be ringing loud and clear – this is a bit ‘new age’ for my liking.
However I worked with Jerry for over ten years, first in individual sessions and then as a founder member of the first of his men’s groups. The positive changes I have experienced during this period have been profound and permanent and I find myself at a place in life that I could only have wished for previously. Jerry did not bring these about, I did, but I couldn’t have done it without the help of an exceptional mentor.
Is it all a bit ‘culty’? It can be, but this is discussed openly and Jerry welcomes constructive criticism as part of the process. He is one of the most intelligent, articulate and perceptive people I know and unfailingly kind. I remain cautious about therapy and this approach is not for everybody, but for the right person I would recommend working with Jerry Hyde without hesitation.”
Dominic Murcott PhD – musician and educator
“Let’s face it I’m completely nuts… And Jerry is the only person I’ve ever worked with who’s as completely nuts as me.”
Sam, - TV Director
“I worked with Jerry for almost 6 years. Whilst I came to value him as a friend, his professional know-how ensured that our sessions were at times extremely challenging; if they hadn’t been, I wouldn’t have confronted some very difficult truths. I never doubted his support and came to trust him implicitly. Jerry finds a perfect balance between deep compassion and professional distance. He is terribly clever but never pompous, and introduces humour with impeccable timing. For anyone looking for an intuitive and interactive style of “therapy”, Jerry is the one. He brings you to the nub of the matter gently, but with assurance.”
Joanne - curator/garden designer
“Working out of instinct, feeling and the heart Jerry doesn’t analyse me, he experiences me. Jerry seems to work out of the space where he really wants to be, interacting with people that he likes and believes he can help. That may seem selfish but a good therapist has to look after themselves first and foremost and Jerry’s genuine interest in and love for the people he works with is clear. He is sensitive and deeply caring but is always ready to challenge and disrupt, helping prompt the chaos or revelation that allows me to grow.”
Robin -- investment manager
“I’ve been in one of Jerry’s men’s groups for twelve years and there’s a good reason I’ve stayed that long. Jerry has created a completely safe atmosphere that is both supportive and challenging and he does it with a complete absence of any kind of wishy-washy counselor bullshit. He understands creative people like myself and is both immensely skilled and totally down to earth.”
John – author
“I didn’t really know what was going on when I came to see Jerry. A good friend of mine just said that I should. So I did. Since then I have become a much calmer person, recognising the ebbs and flows of my life and not freaking out when something doesn’t go how I want it And if I do – which of course I occasionally do – Jerry pretty quickly works out what’s really going on and we work out a way forward together. He’s not a ‘namby pamby’ therapist type, he’s much more nuts & bolts and gives practical help and advice. Through him, I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting some of the most amazing and inspirational people – not least Jerry himself.”
Steve – photographer
“I think that the company of people who know you well, who’ve known you for years, who you can unburden yourself onto and who will unburden themselves onto you is, in my view, crucial for emotional well-being, I feel very lucky that the Men’s Group Jerry has put together provides me with all of this. It was not a group I relished the idea of joining, far from it, but now I consider it to be one of the most important things that I do.”
Dave – internet guru