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Reviews of empathy for the devil

Start your mix with a dose of Huxley, a liberal dash of Carlos Castaneda, add a tot or two of Hoffman and round it out with a splash of Hunter Thompson & Paul Bowles.

You might end up with a dish for Jerry to relish.

Kerouac would understand the flow, the syntax leaping, tangentially hopping as the mind does on psychedelics - bursting into contact with vignettes so important you almost forgot to notate them.

A search for that certain light that will shine into the recesses we mostly fear to plumb.

Should you have ever dabbled in the edges of psychedelia and still have nagging questions, this is a must read, a rock ’n roll roller coaster of a ride.

Tim Page - combat photographer  

Jerry Hyde has traveled deep within himself as well as to the farthest horizons to understand how harm comes to us and how it may be healed. There is a profound, urgent wisdom in his work that is carried along almost pell-mell by his enthusiasm for humanity and for life.

Sebastian Junger - The Perfect Storm, War, Tribe, Freedom and director of Which Way is the Front Line From Here? and Restrepo

Jerry Hyde is a unique human being, life experimenter, and psychotherapist. I greatly admire what he’s been doing, and his work is a wonderful introduction to what makes him one of a kind.

Luke Rhinehart - The Dice Man

“The most important self Help book in the last 20 years”

“Challenging, eye (and mind) opening, and brilliant”

“Jerry Hyde comes across like a council-estate Aleister Crowley!”


“Sigmund Freud in a head-on collision with the Sleaford Mods!”


“Badly-written nonsense hoping to be meaningful”